Goodstuffs Episode 7
It's another installment of BGB goodstuffs, the Board Game Brothers discuss a whole host of topics, board gaming and otherwise! Learn...

From the Vault: Geekway 2017
Jeff's feeling under the weather this week, so for your listening pleasure here is a Board Game Bros episode recorded May 31, 2017...

Episode 30: Red Dragon Inn 2 & 3
In the final week of Expansion month, the Board Game Bros are hitting you with a double feature of expansions: Red Dragon Inn 2 and 3....

Episode 29: Small World: Underground
In the next expansion of the Board Game Bros' month-long look at board game expansions, Matt and Jeff discuss the expansion/sequel Small...

Episode 28: Dominion: Intrigue
In July the Board Game Bros are discussing expansions of games from previous episodes. In the first episode of this series, Jeff and Matt...

Goodstuffs Episode 6
This month the Board Game Bros have more video games to talk about than ever! New Magic set, new Overwatch hero, plus we tried out Roll...

Episode 27: How to Start Designing a Board Game
This week the Board Game Bros give helpful tips for the process of game design. Learn that there's no such thing as too much playtesting,...

Episode 26: Munchkin
This week the board game brothers discuss the 2001 backs-stabbing dungeon-crawling card game Munchkin! Listen as Jeff and Matt...

Episode 25: Spirit Island
This week the Board Game Bros discuss the cooperative colonial-destroying game Spirit Island. Learn the not-perfect-but-good-enough...

Episode 24: Champions of Midgard
This week the Board Game Bros discuss the worker placement dice battle viking game Champions of Midgard. Learn about how Jeffrey thinks...